Winter Fundraiser!
Total # of programs - 244
# of public schools worked with - 36
# of community-based partners - 15 (including parks and museums)
# of youth served - over 4873 (we don't have attendance numbers for every program)
# of adults served - over 2723
# of bilingual programs - 44 (Cantonese - 15, Spanish - 24, French - 5)
# of programs for neurodiverse kids - 15
# of programs we were able to provide free of charge - 22
# of schools participating in Reading with Royalty, our middle grades reading program: 6
# of programs presented with American Sign Language (ASL) interpretation: 9
While we are pleased to have made these vital impacts on our community this year, commitment to our mission and on-the-ground work has come with multiple threats, an increase in protests, and numerous incidents of violence. We are honored to stand in solidarity with our partners, who bear this tide alongside us. We have pivoted together to ensure that our programs remain safe and inclusive for all of our community members.
We will not be intimidated by these lies, this hatred, this bigotry. In fact, we are digging in our heels. Drag Story Hour NYC remains and stands deeply committed to creating space for inclusivity, radical self-expression, empathy-building, and joy. .
Help support our work and our ever-shifting safety priorities, to keep us growing!
This world needs all the sparkle we can offer!
With the warmest regard,
The Drag Story Hour NYC Family
Support Drag Story Hour NYC Today!
This world needs all the ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨ we can offer!
Drag Story Hour NYC promotes literacy and creativity for youth, families in all forms, and even seniors in communities across all five boroughs. We offer opportunities for social-emotional development, to promote radical self-expression, and to build empathy, compassion, and inclusivity.
In 2022, Drag Story Hour NYC was thrilled to make the jump back into in-person programming while also concretizing our expansive offering of virtual programming services. At a time when our mission is so crucial, we are particularly grateful that we have been able to continue to serve our community in the ways most accessible and meaningful to them while continuing to work to expand our program reach and offerings. We also continued to expand our reach across NYC, partnering with communities throughout the city to adapt programming components from translation to program costs, to ensure the accessibility of our services.
Some highlights of our glorious 2022 include:

Please know, there are multiple ways you can offer assistance:
​1. Share this campaign with your networks on Instagram, Facebook, and via email
2. Make a donation in any amount. You can also opt to support our work year-round with a recurring donation!
3. Make a donation of $600 or more to sponsor a DSH program at a public school in a particular district. We’ll assess the number of donations we receive per district and we vow to match those funds with internal outreach to supporters.
4. Feel free to let us know if there’s another way you’d like to get involved! Email: