Drag Story Hour NYC, legally known as Drag Queen Story Hour NYC Ltd, is a 501(c)3 not-for-profit organization and donations are tax deductible. If you would like to help us spread love and glitter to more kids around the city, here are some things you can do to help:
Sponsor a DSH event at a local public school for $600 or make a donation in any amount here. We are a grassroots organization and your donations go directly toward expanding our programming.
Buy our Dragtivity Books and merch! They make great gifts for the kids and adults in your lives!
Book a DSH event for your office’s Take Your Child to Work day, your friend’s bachelorette party, or your child’s birthday party, or book us to present at a conference! Booking a DSH event helps us to continue to provide free programming in public schools and expand our reach in libraries and other community spaces. Click here to find out more about our programs and book!
​Call your local library and ask them to book a DSH event. DSH NYC is an approved vendor with all three public library systems in the city. Local public library branches can book us through the library’s central administration.
Call your New York City Council Member and ask them to allocate discretionary funding to Drag Queen Story Hour NYC. If your council member gives us funding, we can bring free DSH programs to your local schools and libraries! Click here to find out who your Council Member is. When you call, tell them that you are a constituent and that you would like your council member to allocate discretionary funding to Drag Queen Story Hour NYC to bring our program to the district.
Subscribe to our email list to stay in the loop with the latest news:

Drag Story Hour NYC's programs are made possible by the the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of the Office of the Governor and the New York State Legislature.